Sunday, June 3, 2012

Male Waxing - Wellness4Men in Old Market Bristol +

Wellness4Men is a brand new concept in Bristol offering grooming, massage and SPA therapies for men by men. Unsightly body hair? We are experts in Waxing. See us here Hollywood - 50 | Boyzillian - 50 | BSC - 30 | S&C - 30 | Buttocks - 20 | Full Body - 100 Half Arms - 15 | Full Arms - 20 | Half Legs - 20 | Full Legs - 30 Eyebrow - 10 | Chest - 20 | Back - 20 | Chest & Back - 30 | Abdomen - 20 | Male waxing used to be just for athletes and body builders. These many discerning well groomed men are having waxing treatments. Either for themselves or their partner. Waxing is an effective way to lose hair in unwanted areas fast. It s maintenance free and the effects can last for up to five weeks. In time the hair will grow thinner and in less quantity. Waxing can help define muscle tone and give the appearance of extra inches to your genitals! Our treatments are performed by our highly trained male therapists with discretion and professionalism. Waxing does not give that itchy sensation that shaving does as the hair is removed from the folicle rather than being sheared off leaving sharp scratchy hair. There is also no hard stubble grow back.


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