Tuesday, June 5, 2012

MK LUSCIOUS LASHES - Wax / waxing offers in Milton Keynes -

MK Luscious Lashes - Waxing offer in Milton Keynes MK Luscious Lashes - Waxing Hot / Medium Waxing Face Upper lip 4 Eyebrow 4 Chin & underneath 6 Side burns and cheeks 6, Full Face including brow 15. Underarm 5 Regular Bikini : Tidy up outside the knicker line . 7 Semi Permanent Eyelash Extensions in Milton Keynes Semi Permanent Eyelash Extensions , Flirties Eyelash Extensions by Accredited certificated therapists in Milton Keynes 35 . Glam lash or natural look limited period only . No twisting or collapsing lashes get the perfect fit as we are Members of the Beauty Guild Therapist . Express Lashes 18 www.mkspraytanning.com http://www.facebook.com/pages/Luscious-Lashes/248829405127817 Sienna X Spray Tan 10 Sienna X Rapid Tan 15 Shellac Nails Fingers 8 / Toes 12 PLUS 5 Extra with mini manicure Eyelash Tinting 4 Eyebrow tinting 4 . Portfolio Available at the Studio for accredited images of work carried out. Call 07772598683. MK Luscious Lashes in Furzton.


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