Friday, July 20, 2012


WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR EXTENSIONS.; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soft,silky,bouncy hair is what every woman desires;.......Micro-ring extensions have become extremely popular.They cause no damage to your natural hair,micro-ring extensions can last up to 4 months when cared for and maintained properly.with this method there is no glue,no heat and harsh chemicals while installing or removing your extensions. Micro-rings are small meatal rings which have been coated with plastic and are lined with sillicon they are attatched to a tiny piece of your hair and clamped to give a strong hold .When this is done it can not be detected by look or touch,with micro-ring extensions you can curl,tong or straigten your hair to any desirable style that you want. all hair used is 100% human REMY virgin hair its all cutical correct which means its tangle free I have a great reputation with my clients.Micro-ring extensions is ideal for everyone. if you have short hair or thin hair with this method you can add volume and length you can also add highlights to your hair without the need to dye your hair and cause damage , micro rings work to give you that hair that is full of body, bounce and PERSONALITY! **PRICE LIST FULL HEAD OF EXTENSIONS - length 18" 220 FULL HEAD OF EXTENSIONS - length 20" 245 FULL HEAD OF EXTENSIONS - length 22" 270 ​HALF HEAD OF EXTENSIONS - length 18" 120 HALF HEAD OF EXTENSIONS - length 20" 145 HALF HEAD OF EXTENSIONS - lenght 22" 170 please note: Your hair must be minimum shoulder lenght for half head extnsions, if your own hair is above your sholders then a full head would be required. **HIGHLIGHTS/LOWLIGHTS 10-50 strands of colour added to give the highlighted/lowlighted effect without the need to dye your own hair FROM 30 **MAINTENANCE This includes moving all extensions back up the root, replacing any microrings where necessary putting back any strands you have lost. please remember to bring all strands you have lost to your maintenance appointment FROM 50 *******SPECIAL OFFER!! Get free maintenance in the first two months!! **REMOVAL please note: if a full set of extensions are being fitted at the time of the removal there is no removal charge. youll only pay the price of a full head of extensions removal on its own 40 CONSULTATION - free


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